Cancel any time. Test it before you pay.

Go to bed feeling proud of your

progress every night

Get rid of perfectionism, overwhelm

and confusion

Accelerate your financial and

personal growth

Cancel any time. Test it before you pay.

Go to bed feeling proud of your

progress every night

Get rid of perfectionism, overwhelm

and confusion

Accelerate your financial and

personal growth

I’ve gone from never going to the gym to going 3x a week. I’ve doubled the amount of social content I’m posting. I’m converting more than ever. It feels really good to be winning instead of constantly feeling behind.

It has truly been the secret sauce I've been looking for for decades for my procrastination. The accountability and encouragement have been a game-changer for me. I finally have the motivation and guidance I need to succeed.

Definitely worth the money spent. People usually pay tens of thousands of dollars per year for “specialized training” and go no where because it does not work. This helps you understand what it takes to get things going. Gives a good plan and will ramp up the goals as you learn and get used to the workload.

Are you tired of...

Making big plans for yourself but never sticking to them?

Spending hours on your phone scrolling but not taking action?

Seeing years go by and almost nothing change in your finances, health, or relationships?

Or even...

Going to bed feeling like you disappointed yourself another day?

Without the right system,

you're bound to fail

Think about it:

When you were in high school, you had a teacher giving you assignments, answering questions, making sure you got homework done, and providing you with feedback...

When you got your first job, you had a boss directing you, expecting results, giving you support and keeping you in check...

Now when you're trying to go for big goals for yourself...

Like launching or growing a business...

Getting to your fittest and healthiest version...

Finding a partner or fixing your relationship...

Or better handling stress and negative thoughts

No one is there for you!

You're left to your own motivation, discipline and willpower to make real changes in your life.

Except for those only last a few days, maybe a week if you're lucky.

So you fall back into the same old habits and stay stuck for years...

That's why we created the Reality Engineers Club





"This new secret will make you skinny and rich in 7 days"

Every day someone comes out with the new secret formula for looking hot and making millions with little effort.

They get tons of desperate people buying their course or book looking for a new magic solution...

Only to find out that the new magic solution will require them to take consistent massive action...

For a long period of time...

Until things actually work.

Disappointed, most people stop trying or go onto the new next thing.

The cycle goes on and on...

And they stay stuck for years.

You don't need another magic formula.

You need to take consistent action with the things you already know you should be doing but you're not!

The Reality Engineers Club will help you do that and make tweaks as you go so you hit your goals faster!

You lack...




A proven system

And so you....

Get easily distracted

Feel overwhelmed

Make little to no progress

Blame yourself for being stuck

The Reality Engineer's Club has

Before us, people have tried:

Business, life, health, or relationship coaching

Accountability groups

Productivity apps

Self-development workshops


The problem is that all of those miss the mark in one big thing:

They assume that your money, health, or relationship problems are all individual issues - not connected to each other...

When in reality if you're feeling tired or stressed all the time... are you gonna show up at your best to crush your money goals?

If your relationship or thoughts are negative... well will you be able to focus while working on other things that matter to you?

Performing at your best requires that every area of your life supports each other's growth.

That's why at we're the only ones that help you grow all areas that matter most in your life - at the same time.

So you don't make tons of money and still have a life you hate...

Or so that you're not super fit but worry about money all the time!

Real success is having it all - and that's what we'll help you do

Everything you're getting

when you join:

Someone to help you get stuff done and move things forward. Go faster when you can, slow down when you need to. Got stuck? Just let your coach know

Set your priorities for the week. Track your actions daily. Report back. Rinse and repeat. You'll optimize your results as we help you learn what's working and what needs to be tweaked for you to hit your goals faster.

Stay on track and get help whenever you need with real human reminders and help on the go (no AI or scripts used)

Bring your questions and struggles to Benjor and he'll help you get out of your own way in these weekly group Zoom calls

Connect with people who are also focused on growing and hitting crazy goals - stop feeling alone and start getting pushed to go further with the right people by your side

Learn the latest tools to improve your productivity, mindset, and performance from Benjor - he will present from the best books, researches, and experts to help you stay sharp

How about some extra stuff?

15-minute one-on-one call to show you how to get the most out of the club and answer any questions. You'll leave knowing exactly what to next to crush your goals and utilize our help to the max!

Get the latest marketing and sales trainings with the stuff that's working now to convert more clients and build a brand in the digital world

Easy-to-use habit tools to track your progress and keep you moving forward day after day - building productive habits and breaking bad ones

What will happen

when you enroll:

  1. Book your onboarding strategy call to have a custom plan made

  1. Start training to maximize your results at your own pace

  1. Set your weekly priorities, report, and stay connected to your coach




MOST POPULAR: save $120 and get better results by committing to your goals for 6 months

Try the club at no risk: If you don't love your 15-day free trial,

just let us know and you won't pay a dime!

Try the club at no risk: If you don't love your 15-day free trial, just let us know and you won't pay a dime!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Reality Engineers Club work?

We pair you 1-on-1 with a highly trained accountability coach, who you communicate with over messaging throughout the week. Their science-backed system will get you clarity on your most important work, and the ideal cognitive conditions to get it done. It’s like having someone on your team whose sole job is optimizing your focus and productivity. Long term, the Reality Engineers Club gives you the structure and psychology to become the most effective version of yourself possible… and stay that way.

What does an accountability coach do?

An accountability coach helps individuals stay on track with their goals and commitments. They provide structure, guidance, and feedback, ensuring that the individual remains focused and makes consistent progress. The coach typically sets up regular check-ins to review accomplishments, address challenges, and set the path forward. By holding their clients accountable, they foster a sense of responsibility, ensuring that tasks and goals are not just set, but also pursued and achieved.

Is there a contract?

No. The Reality Engineers Club is month-to-month (or every 6 months if you choose to pay upfront and get a $120 discount). There are no setup fees, cancellation fees, or long term contracts. You can quit at any time. There is absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Do I need to have a business to sign up?

No, we have a lot of people who are just starting businesses, as well as clients who are artists and creators doing other stuff. You can use the Reality Engineers Club to help you excel in any area or endeavor that you want. It is not just business accountability coaching. If you have ambition, autonomy, and a path to long term reward then we can help you make your big plans happen.

I have another question. Can I speak to someone before I start?

Absolutely. Click here to book free call with one of our coaches. You’ll be able to talk through your goals, your business, and your productivity. You can ask our coach any questions you have about the service, and see if it’s right for you.

Can I use this for both professional and personal goals?

100%. Most people will choose a few professional and a few personal goals to work on. This way you're not only improving your finances but your overall quality of life!

When are the weekly coaching calls?

The schedule varies depending on when most people can join. If you can't for some reason, the recording will be available and you'll be able to ask your question by messaging your coach any time!

Can I join if I'm not clear or my goals or things I should be doing?

Absolutely! The initial training you'll get access to will help you clarify exactly what your goals and consistent actions should be. You'll also have your coach and group coaching calls to help with those so you'll be taken care of!

What are some common things this helps people with?

Some common activities we help people be consistent with and get results for are:

  • Grow a following/sales (Post x times a week on social media)

  • Nurture a list (Send x emails a week to their list)

  • Get another job or gig (Apply for x amount of jobs or gigs)

  • Lose weight (Stay under x amount of calories a day)

  • Gain muscle (Work out x amount of times a week)

  • Start dating (Go on x amount of dates a month by being proactive on dating apps)

These are different for everybody, but the point is that by taking consistent action your results and skills will improve much faster! We'll help you adapt these actions week after week to improve your performance. © 2024